Right Relations
As a Church repenting of its role in colonization and the residential school system, St. Matt’s joins the United Church of Canada in inviting settlers to open their hearts to Indigenous spirituality, culture, and knowledge. We reject the doctrine of discovery and the Genesis narrative understood as that of humankind’s separation from and “dominion” over nature. As we gather in community on the traditional territories of the Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit, we are mindful of broken covenants and the need to strive to make right with All Our Relations.
For more on the United Church of Canada’s commitments to Right Relations, see https://united-church.ca/social-action/justice-initiatives/reconciliation-and-indigenous-justice
Photo by Olivia Dziwak.

United Church response to Truth
and Reconciliation Commission
The United Church of Canada's reconciliation process is ongoing. Here are some calls to action, to churches, congregations and government. The United Church is working with Indigenous communities to mark and commemorate graves at four of the residential schools for which it takes responsibility: Red Deer, File Hills, Regina, and Brandon, as well as burials of patients from the Charles Camsell Hospital at a cemetery on the property of the Edmonton IRS. See details at this link.